Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Here I am FINALLY starting what I've told myself so many times to just start. My Blog. Throwing away my worries of finding the perfect site to host it. Pushing procrastination aside and being determined to just start. Use what I have. And go for it. So here commences my journey. The one I've been too afraid to take. Fearing I'm not good enough. And never will be. The journey I haven't fully wanted to acknowledge because, hey, if I don't try then I can't fail. I'm then slapped with the bold truth of reasoning that tells me - isn't NOT trying the same as failing?

So here I am letting go of fear. Here I start to take on the journey, though be it with baby steps. The journey of learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. I WILL make mistakes along the way. That's OK. I will learn. I will grow. I WILL be good enough. Good enough to me. My biggest opponent. My WORST critic.


  1. What exactly does it mean to be "good enough"? Good enough for what? For who? "I WILL be good enough." You ARE good enough. You don't need the "balls" to just do it. All you need is to acknowledge you're afraid...and do it anyway. Congratulations on taking that step :o)

  2. it takes SO much courage to do things different, and to step out in faith. It takes so much courage to be true to yourself. It's hard to let go of that voice that tells us, "who in the heck does she think she is". Most people live mediocre lives and do whats comfortable or convenient because its safe, and they never challenge themselves to pursue the desires of their heart, and to invest their time, talents, and skills into something really awesome. The Lord made you unique and SO special, and you can do anything through Him cousin. keep on it and dont give power to that awful voice, its going to be a struggle that youre always going to endure. and thats okay ;)

  3. Great job on the blog ! Luv the beautiful image...

    I'm in the same boat...took me a yr b4 a finally made a FB page, inspired by Jasmine :)

  4. Proud of you....now just go for it!

  5. Great job :) keep it up, don't forget to look at my page, if you want!
