Happy Sunday Funday!!
I am happy to announce that back in November 2014 I officially moved to Ventura!! Alone. LOVE it. Have you ever lived alone? I have. It's great. My pick of Netflix, music, what to cook or not cook, clean when I want, room temperature preference, clothing optional, silence when desired... the list goes on... my tiny casita is basically a shoebox with a wall down the middle... a nice front patio (that's like bigger than my living room) all to myself in the BEAUTIFULLY landscaped backyard of a lovely couple to whom I'm so grateful for choosing me as their tenant. Couldn't be happier.. except if maybe I had a washer and dryer but... can't always have it all. I am so truly happy and thrilled beyond words to be back home in California, living in Ventura and loving life.
New York taught me many life lessons, but I hope to never leave California ever again... EVER. Unless, to perhaps live in Barcelona for a year or two... but other than that, it will take a stick of dynamite to get me out of here!! I was born here in Ventura thirty some years ago... (uhmmm) just down like 5 blocks from mi casa at Community Memorial. Raised in Santa Paula (the next town over), SP will always be "home" but Ventura now feels like home too.
Here are a few photos I took this past summer exploring around Ventura, California on foot with my trusty Canon... Did I mention it feels so BEYOND AMAZING to be back home???
I started the day off scouting for my next shoot.. Main Street, Ventura. This proved to be an ideal spot as featured in my last blog post:
(last photo).
A random walk through some downtown side streets..
It's all how you look at things.... #angles
I seem to be obsessed with Cactus and
who doesn't love Lavender...
In Ventura, you never know who you'll meet...
There's always time for ice cream....
Last random shot of the day... Caught me unprepared,(thus a little over-exposed), but just makes me think "so Ventura" -
Love it!!
The End.